Sunday, August 12, 2007

Drew Carey on Soccer

Drew Carey has sort of become a celebrity booster for Soccer in America. (The Jack Nicholson of the LA Galaxy.) His brash American personality comes across loud & clear in this little piece from a German mag.

From Drew Carey's MySpace page:

Here's the draft of an article I wrote for a German soccer magazine, "Kicker". I just turned it in tonight and am waiting for their notes.

Hey world, if you think you hate the United States now, just wait. Because little by little, year by year, we're getting better and better at the sport you call your own. And soon, as soon as ten years from now, we're going to own it.
Think about it. There's 298 million people living in the United States right now. How many does your country have, huh? Unless you live in China, the answer is "not as many". And we only need so many of them to grow up playing soccer. Because on the world stage, it's just our best 11 against your best 11. And Im telling you, brother, it's getting to the point where your best 11 just arent going to be enough.
We're already ranked number 4 in the world by FIFA. Yeah, I think it's a mistake too, but considering the pool of athletes that are drawn to soccer in the US, it's something, isn't it? And as that talent pool grows bigger each year, which it does, it's only a matter of time before a kid who would've been a hard-hitting defensive back in the NFL becomes a hard-hitting defensive back in the MLS instead. Can you imagine the international damage some of these guys could do if they could only learn to kick a ball instead of throw it?
Now look, I know that not everyone reading this hates the United States. Some of you only resent the United States. Some of you don't hate or resent us, but are still disappointed in us. How come the Americans are always starting wars? Why are their movies so predictable and bad? Why must they poison our children with all of their burgers and fried chicken?
Well, get this: One day, before your children are grown, the United States is going to win the World Cup, and there's nothing you can do to stop it. Go ahead and try. Mobilize some students and take to the streets. Pass a UN resolution or two. It won't matter.
And when we do win the World Cup, we're going to be just as obnoxious about it as we are about everything else that we do well.
May God help you all.

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